About CARE
The Cooperative Alliance for Refuge Enhancement (CARE) is a national coalition of 23 wildlife, sporting, scientific, and conservation organizations that span the political spectrum, representing over 16 million Americans who value outdoor recreation and wildlife conservation. CARE represents birders, hunters, anglers, biologists, fish and wildlife professionals, environmentalists, scientists, professors, students, and much more. CARE was created in 1995 to bring together these disparate groups around shared values and their love of wildlife in order to advocate for increased funding for the National Wildlife Refuge System — lands where wildlife and humans can thrive.
Member Organizations
CARE is currently chaired and managed by the National Wildlife Refuge Association.
What We Do
CARE uses the unique skill sets of its member organizations to advocate for sufficient federal funding for the Operations and Maintenance budget of the National Wildlife Refuge System. CARE members meet on a regular basis, meet with Members of Congress and their staff, work closely with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, hold briefings and events on Capitol Hill, testify before Congress, and compile comprehensive reports on the state of the Refuge System.
A History of CARE
In 2020, CARE commissioned a report on the coalition’s history, providing insight on how and why it was formed. The report also details the current state of the Refuge System and the future outlook for CARE.